rainy days makes me go la..la..la..  

Posted by Shobana

This post was suppose to be for saturday..hehe

I realise that it's nice to be quite..to have your alone time/ me time, whatever you like to call it.It's peaceful..I come to realise a lot of things when i'm quite. Some makes sense, some just never will..

As i have mentioned in the previous post, this week has been an emotionally draining week..lot's of things goin on, lots of things i wish i knew the answer to, an overdose of completely irrational thoughts, the need to feel all miserable..i tend to do that..i tend to let my emotions control me..a few of my closest buddies told me that-"don't let ur emotions control u shob..it's not gonna do you any good"-sometimes i just have to take my time to understand that it wont do any good..its not like im gonna do anything stupid-i'm too much of a chicken and i don't see the point-its stupid

As humans, we are selfish..i'm not lying..even one of the adults i'm close to say that..i'm not talking about being materialistically selfish..i'm talking about deeper issues..i hope i'm making sense..

I super super super love rainy days..just love em!love em!love em!..rainy days makes me go lalalala!!!

it definetely brighten my day yesterday..there's just something in rainy days which make me feel so so happy..like nothing can ever bring me down..like there's hope u know..that things will get better..like things are not so bad..like nothing's wrong..at just for that few hours, i forget all the things that was bugging me..

ah well..i sure

hope i can expect more rainy days..

anyways, i know no matter how bad things may seem, there's always happiness,wether to create ot or search it is entirely my choice, and there's a gleam of shining ray of hope..that i my loved ones who will always be there for me, no matter what..and i just have to keep believing in myself..


This entry was posted on Sunday, July 12, 2009 at 3:15 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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