WOW, where did the year go?
yups folk, we're finally here, the very last day of 2009.
Many of us can't wait for it to end and many of us can't wait to start fresh for 2010.
The year for me has been a bittersweet journey.
I'm really lost for words..but really, this year, I can say is one of the best and worst years I have experienced and yet somehow, I'm really grateful to be able to go through all those emo phase and shitty things.
I met some of the best friends and I know we have many years of strong friendship to come
I went out more, did more crazy stuff and yes, I have been a lot braver this year.
I'm a lot closer to my siblings than i used to be and i cannot stop harping on this;my wonderful wonderful bunch of friends, love you guys so frigging much.
Of course, there are a few share of regrets and mistakes, but I've learnt tht its part and parcel of growing up and that's wht makes us a better person.
I really dunno what to say anymore. Thank u everyone, thank u for making this year a great one. Good or bad, I'm learning to accept it. And its a lot easier to meet another day when u have accepted stuff(etc etc)
Goodbye 2009, Welcome 2010
Hello everyone!!
It's been pretty long since i've updated, reason being; i was too lazy and had nothing interesting to blog about. So yeah, the post exam period has been so far so good. Though I think i'm turning into a real slug,waking up at noon almost everyday. Yes, I am a night person, like a really late night person because i got to bed like super super late. There I go babbling.
As i was saying, i wake up at noon, go online for a couple of hours, on msn, facebook, blog hopping:)((though not many of them updated theirs as well)
evening mostly spent by jogging and once, i played basketball:P
Trading dvd's with friends,watching them at night, reading the whole collection of Darren Shan Nick lend me. Yup, I suppose I can keep myself occupied, but i'm gonna be like any other person on a holiday and say "it's so boringggggggggggggggggg"
I never thought I'd actually say this, but I miss school. Not the studying part,no thank you, but the hanging out with friends part being up to no good, walking to Mcdonalds for lunch, going to each others class and yakking for 4 the whole day(yes it has happened before)
On the bright side, I never have to wear uniform anymore! woohoo!
Right after STPM, we bowled:)
Christmas was a very quite affair but the ambiance was good, which I suppose was the magic of christmas itself. Nick and Jiv turned up in the evening and we sat down yakking at the porch for sometime. Yup, that was good.
I think New year's is also gonna be a quite affair. Though Prassana called me to go to Jonker for new year's countdown but considering the fact tht none of my siblings can make it back to Malacca this new Year and how crowded malacca will be, I'l just be a filial child and spend the day with my parents. Mum has insisted that we go to the temple(anual thing we do),but this time both morning and evening because there are some special prayers. Maybe will meet up with the kawans for a movie or something.
January,I will be going to Kl to help my bro and will be there till results out suppose, so yeah, gotta spend some time with friends here coz i doubt I will be back much and all of them are pretty busy themselves too. I am definetely gonna miss them :(
And speaking of NEW YEAR'S, I have not made my resolutions yet. I wanna throughly think through as to what I really want to do, or change or achieve. SO perhaps tommorow I might update my blog again.
oh yes, also, I really wanna go for Neyo's concert, anyone feel like being santa and getting me a ticket? LOL :)
Also, my cousin in India is getting engaged on the 21st of January and I'm convincing my mum to lemme go alone and spend a week in Bombay. She seems okay with it, but let's just hope it will work out:)
toodles ;)
About Me

- Shobana
- I love: Good books, music, singing, dancing, theatre, movies photography, family, friends, chocolates, rainy days, children, blood red roses, dogs, blogs, writing, surprises, shopping, cooking
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